My name is Julio Quiroz Rojas. I am 35 years old. I am from Peru. I live in Arequipa. I am married and I have one child whose name is Samantha. I work as a doctor. I do it both in public and private hospitals. My speciality is Ginecology and Obstetrics. I like my work becasuse you can do a lot of things like endoscopy surgery. Also, I have other passions like motorsport, football and language learning. I learned english, french and portuguese. I would like to learn quechua and become a english teacher.
Hi, Julio, It is amazing that you can speak so many languages and your specialty sounds very interesting it reminds me of the movie when A. Zwarnegger worked with kinder children and one of them said "my father is a Gynecologist he has seen hundredsd of..." just kidding man. Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteHi Julio you have a very hard proffesion.Congratulations for learning languages, it is very useful.